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NAB Presence Checker

The 'Check Presence in NAB' option checks if an ACL entry is present in the NAB.
When enabled, this feature will display red cells to indicate that those entries were NOT found in the current Domino Names and Address Book.
In addition, a flag will mark these entries in the 'Is in NAB' Column. Grouping by this column will therefore display ALL these invalid ACL Entries and/or users on your server at once.

The Main Grid 

If the "Check Presence in NAB" feature is enabled, all ACL Entries (displayed in the Name column) and actual resolved user records (displayed in the Members column if Nested groups are expanded) are checked for their presence in the NAB.

Please note that the "Check Presence in NAB" option is enabled by default. If you have a large NAB and a poor connection, the NAB Checker process may stall your system. 


Choosing a Notes Address Book to be Analyzed

The Options Menu allows you to select any NAB you'd like to analyse.
(Beware this is not referencing the same NAB as the one set in the NAB Group Navigator (Tools menu)

The NAB Selection dialogue:

Option 1: By default, all NAB's on the server currently selected by aclEZ will be used.
Option 2: You may also set your own default NAB with the following options;
Server: First select the server for who's NAB you'd like to use.
Look In: In the event that the server contains multiple address books, the Look In pull-down menu lets you choose which NAB to view.

Global ACL Properties – Last Signer

In the Global ACL Properties panel, the "Last Signature – Signer" column values are checked against the NAB. You can also use the flag in the "Is 'Last Signature' in NAB" column to find databases with alien signers even faster.

Global ACL Properties – Mail Owner

In the Global ACL Properties panel, the "Mail Owner" column values are checked against the NAB. You can also use the flag in the "Is 'Mail Owner' in NAB" column to find 'orphan' mailboxes even faster.

NOTEThe NAB Presence Checker feature can also be used via the NAB Group Navigator
Beware however, that the NAB selected in the Presence Checker (Options menu) may be different from the NAB selected in the Group Navigator (Tools menu)
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