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Find users not in any Groups

Find users not in any Groups

The Find users not in any Groups tool allows you to load one or more NABs from a Domino server, and it helps you to check all the 'orphans' from any Domino groups.
All the users not found in any groups will be listed.

  • Server: Select your Domino server.

  • Set Default / Unset Default: Set as default the current server selected. Unset the currently selected default server.
  • Look in: List all the address books located on the selected server to be searched.
  • Find: Will build and load the list of users with no group memberships in the Find users not in any Groups Grid.

Grid right-click options - Tools and Columns

  • Open corresponding document in Notes Client: Allows you to open directly in your Notes client the selected document's NAB.
  • Add User(s) to Group(s): Select one or many users to add.

More information about Grid Tools and Options is here.

The Find users not in any Groups Grid includes the following columns:

Default Enable



Type of the Notes Address Book entry.


Last Name and First Name of the Notes Address Book entry.

Default Enable

NAB Title
Displayed name of the Notes Address Book.

More information about Grid Columns is here.

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