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Notes.ini values in agentEZ

In addition to the global notes.ini settings for Ytria products, the following entry holds information specifically for agentEZ:

YtriaAgentEZOptionsThis notes.ini entry stores preferences for some of the options in agentEZ's Options menu plus the preferences on which types of agents you'd like listed:
The first digit stores log preferences:
1 = Error only
2 = Error and empty
3 = Full log
The second digit determines the which types of agents will be displayed:
1 = All agents
2 = Scheduled agents only
3 = 'Before new mail arrives' agents only
4 = 'After new mail arrives' agents only
5 = 'All Documents are created or modified' agents only
The third digit stores security settings:
1 = Force Designer Access to Edit Agents
2 = Always use Notes API Security
The fourth digit stores preferences on whether to automatically load agent info:
1 = Auto-load on
2 = Auto-load off
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