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Command Line (scanEZ)

The Command Line

scanEZ.exe "=<notes.ini path>" "<server>" "<database path>" "<Document ID>"

All arguments are optional, see example below for usage.

<notes.ini path>Full OS path of the notes.ini file.
<server>Server name where the database you want to open is located. Leave empty if server is local.
<database path>Absolute path to the database you want to open.
<Document ID>NoteID or UNID of the document you want to open. Must be the hexadecimal value.

For a NoteID, you must add NT before the hexadecimal value. "NT002a" is equivalent to "NT2a" or "NT2A".
NOTEDouble quotes (") are strongly recommended in case the directory's name has a space.

BackSlashes (\) are strongly recommended; scanEZ understands Slash (/) and double BackSlashes (\\) via the Windows system but it sometimes produces unexpected results.

Equal sign (=) is necessary.

The notes.ini string is case-insensitive, "myDir\notes.ini" is the same as "MYDIR\NOTES.ini"

The notes.ini must always be the first argument, even if a server, a database and/or a note are specified.

The order is important: "server" "database." If the database is on local, give an empty string.

A note could be given with its noteID, preceded by NT, in hexadecimal format. "NT002a" is equivalent to "NT2a" or "NT2A"


It will find the notes.ini in the current directory (or in the Exec directory of Notes if it was launched with the Smart Icon) and open the last database opened by one of our products.
(Notes.ini line: YtriaLastOpenServerName and YtriaLastOpenDatabasePath).
scanEZ.exe "=myDir\notes.ini"
scanEZ.exe "=C:\myNotesIniDir\notes.ini"
It will use the given notes.ini and open the last database opened by one of our products with this notes.ini.
scanEZ.exe "SERVERDEMO/YTRIA" "demo\demo.nsf"
scanEZ.exe "" "test\demo.nsf"
scanEZ.exe "=myDir\notes.ini" "SERVERDEMO/YTRIA" "test\demo.nsf"
It will find the notes.ini in the current directory, or will use the given one and open the given database on the given server.
scanEZ.exe "=myDir\notes.ini" "SERVERDEMO/YTRIA" "demo\demo.nsf" "NTB0E"
scanEZ.exe "SERVERDEMO/YTRIA" "demo\demo.nsf" "NTB0E"
scanEZ.exe "SERVERDEMO/YTRIA" "demo\demo.nsf" "1F85F4A0E4DBE86585256F4F007B3CC2"
It will find the notes.ini in the current directory or will use the given one, open the given database on the given server, and then directly open the given note in a new My Selection.

scanEZ.exe "=<notes.ini path>" "<target server>" "<target database path>" "<UNID>"
scanEZ.exe "=<notes.ini path>" "<target server>" "<target database path>" "<NTNoteID(in hexadecimal)>"
Opening a document in scanEZ.

Use this format to open a single document in scanEZ and place it in a new My Selection folder.
scanEZ.exe "=<notes.ini path>" "<target server>" "<target database path>" "<MUNID (concatenation of the letter 'M' and a UNID)>"
scanEZ.exe "=myDir\notes.ini" "SERVERDEMO/YTRIA" "demo\demo.nsf" "MC6B30DBBFE299512852572E2007369E6"
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