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June 2015 Newsletter

Ytria June News | NEW ☆ Tech Lab article: Breaking behemoth IBM Notes databases into workable NSFs

Splitting database content

Breaking behemoth IBM Notes databases into workable NSFs

Surely, some of you out there have to deal with databases that, over time, have become too large to handle comfortably. It does happen. Recently, an IT forensics customer asked us if there's a way to evenly split the contents of a large Notes Database into multiple NSFs so their metadata extraction software could run multiple threads (for much faster processing of the application's contents).
Check out our latest blog post where we examine how to break these behemoth databases down into workable parts.

'Another great update from Ytria for the Notes tools that have saved my sanity on a daily basis for over 10 years.'

Video Testimonial from Kim Greene

Users of Ytria tools love sharing what they accomplish with them. Click here to find out what Kim Greene, President of Kim Greene Consulting, Inc., has to say about Ytria's impact on her work, due diligence, and customer knowledge.

If you want to share a success story with others by letting us feature it here, write to us or send us a video at

Download Webcast Recording

You can now go over the detailed live presentation of ''What's New in EZ Suite 12.1?'' at your leisure. Click here to visit our webpage containing a time-stamped outline and the download link.

Remember, if you ever have any questions about what Ben has shown you in any of our webcasts, or if you'd like a private demo, send us a quick email at

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Thousands of organizations use Ytria software for faster Notes development and better Domino administration

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