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November 2016 Newsletter

Ytria September/October News | NEW ☆ Tech Lab article: Restoring deleted folder designs, and returning their documents to their rightful place
November 2016

Restoring deleted folders

Restoring deleted folder designs, and returning their documents to their rightful place

"I've deleted a folder—the design itself— not the documents contained in the folder. How can I get everything back to the way it was?" This is a question that came up during a recent on-site customer workshop. During these sessions, we always find the time to perform a thorough health check using the Ytria tools, as well as discuss any issues that our customers might be struggling with.

This is not the only time the question had been asked, either; the issue was brought up on several different occasions during workshops, as well as in some support emails, too. We decided to try and help.

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'Impressed with @ytria ScanEZ - just saved me time fixing a document hierarchy.'


What's new:
All you need to get started with automation

Automation holds a lot of promise for performing large, repetitive tasks in a quick and efficient manner, and the brand-new EZ Suite 16.5 continues to advance what is possible through our XML based automation command language.
Take a look at our automation primer for an overview of what you can do and how to do it.

Automation code

Ready-to-work automation script: Create a report of all databases on a server grouped by their folder and ODS version

Try it out for yourself in databaseEZ! This small script lets you load an entire server and group all the data in the main grid by database path and ODS version.

Here's how to get started: Simply copy/paste the script below into any text editor and save it as an XML file. Within the script, enter your server name where indicated.

From databaseEZ's Server menu, select the option Load Automation file (or use CTRL+X), find the file you just saved, and click Open.

Your report will be found in the same location as the script file.


<ytriaAutomation Application="databaseEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5">
<!--In the next line, change the server name as desired.-->
<SetVar ServerName="
Enter your server name here"/>
<Load Server="{%ServerName%}" Select="True"/>
<Select Lines="All"/>
<Add ColumnID="I25" Position="7"/>
<Groupby ColumnID="D1"/>
<GroupBy ColumnID="I25"/>
<SetParam field="FilePath" value="ExportMainGrid.xlsx"/>
<SetParam field="ExportType" value="Excel"/>
<SetParam field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" value="true"/>

scanEZ aclEZ agentEZ databaseEZ consoleEZ replicationEZ signEZ viewEZ actionbarEZ designpropEZ
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