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April 2017 Newsletter

Ytria April News | Tech Lab article explores new @formulas in FP8 ☆ Enroll in new Ytria University classes coming up next week, and more!
April 2017

@ModifiedInThisFile | @AddedToThisFile

Long-awaited @formulas available
in FP8—here's an in-depth guide on how to use them

Just over a month ago at IBM Connect 2017, we learned that the Feature Pack 8 release will include support for two new formulas: @ModifiedInThisFile and @AddedToThisFile. In this article, first published on Feb. 23, we explain what they mean and how they'll help you as an administrator or developer. We've even included some pointers on how you can apply these new formulas as soon as you get your hands on them.

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'This tool suite is amazing! The capabilities of the software, and how well it’s designed and made, makes it my number one tool for all NSF work.'

Ytria University 101

Get to know EZ Suite better through next week's Ytria University classes

There's still time to get in on next week's Ytria University classes! And with the recent release of EZ Suite 16.5.1, there has never been a better time.
Learn the basics in two new classes: April 10 (admins) and April 12 (devs), both at 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. EDT.
Learn more and save your spot here.

Workshop in Chicago

Ytria brings intensive technical workshop to Chicago May 23-24

Don't miss out on this golden opportunity to get hands-on EZ Suite training by way of this technical workshop. Our resident product expert Ben Menesi will take you through one full day of intensive training, exploring topics that span the whole range of EZ Suite administration tactics in the context of true, practical situations and even your own dilemmas.

An additional half-day of training is optional and gives you an even further deep dive into specific problems you face in your own environment.
See the details and book your spot here.

Automation Script

Ready-to-work automation script: Find all invalid ACL entries across multiple servers and export your results to an Excel file

Launch this script from replicationEZ to scan your desired servers and export a report of all invalid ACL entries to an Excel file (one sheet per server).

Here's how to run the script:
  1. Copy/paste the script below into any text editor and save the script as an XML file.
  2. Open replicationEZ and load the servers that you want to analyze for invalid ACL entries.
  3. From replicationEZ's Server menu, select the option 'Execute Automation File on…', select aclEZ from the list, and then select the servers you want to analyze and click 'OK'.
  4. Finally, find and select the XML file you just saved, and then click Open.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="aclEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5">
<!--The next line will ensure that the script will continue if an error is encountered.-->
<OnError continue="True"/>
<!--The following process will be iterated over each selected server.-->
<Select Target="Tree" Server="Click"/>
<Option Type="PresenceInNAB" Value="True"/>
<Filter columnID="NAB4" Value="Unchecked"/>
<!--Each server's results will then be exported to it's own sheet in an Excel file
saved to the same location this script file is being run from.-->
<SetParam field="FilePath" value="{%CurFilePath%}\ServerInvalidACLAudit.xlsx"/>
<SetParam field="ExportType" value="Excel"/>
<SetParam field="Mode" value="AppendGrid"/>
<SetParam field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" value="false"/>
<SetParam field="ExcelSheetName" value="{%ListParam=server%}"/>
<Echo value="Process Done"/>

To see more ready-to-work scripts and learn more about what automation can bring to your tasks, see our Automation Primer page.

scanEZ aclEZ agentEZ databaseEZ consoleEZ replicationEZ signEZ viewEZ actionbarEZ designpropEZ
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