
Easy and Informed Connection Document Resolution

View the global topology of your connection documents in one central interface.

The server task responsible for periodic replication (as in what, where, and when to replicate) is governed by connection documents. These documents focus on server to server connections and not the applications they are set to replicate. What's more, due to the way the native Notes toolkit lets you explore these documents (through the documents themselves), it becomes almost impossible to discern how numerous connection documents can impact a given database.

replicationEZ's built-in Connection Analyzer lets you to approach these documents the other way around—by focusing on the databases they contain. What's more you'll see the whole story about what connection documents are supposed to be doing.

(Need to see your entire replication situation? Look at this!)

The built-in Connection Analyzer gives you fast and insightful ways to manage connection documents:

  • Resolve all the connection documents for a clear list of all databases referenced by connection documents—all displayed in a flexible output panel with built-in data manipulation features. Categorize by Filename, Server, Replication Type, etc.
  • Instantly retrieve a graphical chart of connection document settings referencing a given database—understand how a database is set to replicate.
  • And more…
Quickly identify missing or extraneous connection documents for your names.nsf.

Names.nsf is a critical part of any Domino environment and should be properly replicated. Verify this in only a few clicks thanks to the built-in Connection Analyzer chart which gives you a near-instant graphical representation of your replication topology as governed by your connection documents. Get the actual situation out in the open to work towards the ideal "hub and spoke" topology.

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