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Tips and Tricks

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How to see profile documents in a Notes database?

NOTE: Our ‘Tips and Tricks’ section has been superseded by the Ytria Tech Lab. Archived tips are still being kept here for reference purposes. Please check the Ytria Tech Lab frequently for all the latest tips, tricks and tutorials to help you get the most out of your Ytria toolkit.

This tip has been thoroughly updated and expanded at the Ytria Tech Lab, please read Lotus Notes profile document management and troubleshooting with scanEZ for a more in-depth treatment of this subject.

Select any Notes database (email, personal address book, applications etc.) on your workspace, open scanEZ from the Notes client toolbar. Click to expand the Profile Documents tree. Select any profile document from the list to see its actual contents and item values. Items (fields) can be sorted, grouped, and type ahead search on the item name can all be used on any profile document (the same for any regular document).

Note: Besides viewing profile documents scanEZ allows you to directly make changes to the data as it appears. No coding agents or creating views are necessary, simply act on the profile documents immediately.

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