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What is agentEZ and what does it do?

Ytria agentEZ is a tool that lets you see ALL the agents on your Domino server—even those that aren't running today. It also lets you see a graphical history of when they were running, access agent logs for multiple agents at once and make mass modifications to ANY agent settings, as well as manage their signatures.

The following links provide easy ways to get you working as quickly as possible


Get a global overview in minutes with these handy videos.

Quick Start Guide

These handy PDF's will introduce you to the tools' basic features in easy-to-follow steps.
You can download short Quick Start Guides on this page.

How to articles

Practical 'How To' articles are available in our Tech Lab.


Our ongoing Webcast series is archived here.

Live Product Tutorials

Watch, listen, and ask questions directly to one of us!
Whether you are just discovering Ytria tools or already a seasoned user, we invite you to request a free private tutorial, and hopefully learn something about our tools you didn't know before. Live Product Tutorial.

Tips & Tricks

Secrets that are guaranteed to save you time are posted in these short articles.