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Automation / scanEZ Automation


Tag: DatabaseCompare

The DatabaseCompare action, along with the applicable SetParam child actions, lets you automate the Database Comparator.

<Setparam Field="Server" Value="ACME02/ACME"/>
<SetParam Field="Database" Value="mail\johnmailtestrep.nsf"/>
<SetParam Field="ModifiedAfter" Value="2015-07-25T22:00:00"/>

SetParam Options

Field NameCompatible Field ValuesValue DescriptionComment
ModifiedAfterUser definableDate or Date/Time in compatible YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss AM/PM formatMandatory
ServerUser definableAny string to define server name or IP addressMandatory if "Database" attribute is present
DatabaseUser definableDatabase file path of the target databaseMandatory if "Server" attribute is present

Sub Actions: RunAudit

The sub-action RunAudit emulates clicking the 'Audit' button in the Database Comparator; it is a mandatory action to carry out the audit proposed in the SetParam options.

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue DescriptionComment


The audit modeNot Mandatory - default is 'Differences'

A MySelection action script block can be nested within this action block to add selections to a virtual My Selection folder.

Example Script

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="scanEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5" Version="1.0">
<Load Server="ACME01/ACME" Database="admin4.ntf" Select="True"/>
<Setparam Field="Database" Value="alog4.ntf"/>
<Setparam Field="Server" Value="ACME02/ACME"/>
<SetParam Field="ModifiedAfter" Value="2012-07-25T22:00:00"/>
<RunAudit Select="All"/>
<Select Lines="All"/>
<SetParam field="FilePath" value="C:\quick-export.html"/>
<SetParam field="ExportType" value="HTML"/>
<SetParam field="FileOutput" value="Unicode"/>
<SetParam field="OpenFileOnceGenerated" value="true"/>

In the script above, the action DatabaseCompare and the specified SetParam options will set the Database Comparator tool to conduct an audit between the databases "admin4.nsf" on the server ACME01/ACME, and the database "alog4.ntf" located on server ACME02/ACME. The documents that will be audited are those that were modified after 10:00:00 PM on July, 25 2012. The action RunAudit will launch the audit itself and show All results. The results of this audit will be exported from the Database Comparator grid to an HTML file. The Database Comparator tool dialog will close.