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Automation / scanEZ Automation


Tag: Expand

The Expand action is used to automate the expansion of a database or design tree node.

<Expand Target="Tree" Category="Designs" Type="Agents"/>

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue DescriptionComment
CategoryUser defined My Selection name

Access Control List



Profile Documents

Deletion Stubs



Detailed Type values for the Designs category can be found in the Select page.
TypeDisplayed tree name

Detailed Description

The Expand action can be used to expand a category as if clicking on the tree node in the UI and is essential in order to perform <code>Select</code> and <code>Focus</code> actions using the Category attribute value 'ByNoteID'.

Example Script

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="scanEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5">
<Load Server="ACME01/ACME">
<Load Database="daltmann.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Expand Target="Tree" Category="Documents" Type="Memo"/>
<Select Target="Tree" Category="ByNoteID" Value="h111E'/>
<Select Target="ItemsGrid" lines="all"/>

In the script above, the database "daltmann.nsf" will be loaded into scanEZ and then the Expand action will expand the "Memo" type documents within the category "Documents". The document with the NoteID of "h111E" will be selected, as will all rows within the Items grid.