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Automation / scanEZ Automation


Tag: SelectByRegex or UnselectByRegex

The SelectByRegex and UnselectByRegex, actions along with applicable SetParam child actions, let you automate the 'Select/Unselect using Regular Expression' function found in both the toolbar and CheckBox Selection menu of scanEZ.

<UnselectByRegex Regex="3"/>

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue DescriptionComment
RegexUser definableSimple test string to search select/unselectMandatory
CaseSensitiveTrue/FalseNot Mandatory - default is "False"

Detailed Description

The Regex selection will make use of the CheckBox Selection mechanics.

Example Script

<YtriaAutomation Version="1.0" Application="scanEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5" DlgProgress="true">
<Load Server="ACME01/ACME" Database="Mailtest.nsf"/>
<focus target="tree" category="Documents" type="Appointment"/>
<Setparam Field="TitleOptionType" Value="Field"/>
<Setparam Field="FieldAttribute" Value="Value"/>
<Setparam Field="TitleOptionFieldName" Value="AppointmentType"/>
<SelectByRegex Regex="3"/>
<Delete Checkbox="true" NoDeletionStubs="true" DeleteResponses="true"/>

In the script above, the database "Mailtest.nsf" will be loaded into scanEZ and the focus will be placed on the "Appointment" document type. The displayed selection tree titles for these documents will be changed to display the value of the field "AppointmentType" contained in each document. The action SelectByRegex will be launched on these titles within the selection tree to find and select those documents whose titles contain the string "3". They, as well as all of their responses, will then be deleted without creating deletion stubs.