
Ytria Software Version History

All products are compatible with IBM Notes and Domino (formerly IBM Lotus Notes and Domino) versions 6.x, 7.x, 8.x and 9.x

Our active development team is always hard at work improving functionality and fixing any bugs that are uncovered—making sure that the EZ Suite tools get updated regularly.

Version history details for each product can be found by clicking the product name in the left-side menu or the product icon below.

Look at the page "What's new in EZ Suite 16.5?" for a quick overview of our latest release.

Important Note

If you are not currently covered by our Software Maintenance agreement (or if you're not sure), do not update your software before confirming your coverage. New license keys are required for new major updates. Your old license keys will not work with the latest releases.

If you have not received any update emails, and you believe that you are covered by our Software Maintenance agreement, please contact us at License keys are also available to the the buyer in their Ytria account.

NOTE: To make sure your software is up to date, simply activate Ytria Update by going to the top menu of any Ytria product and selecting Help > Check for Updates.

Thousands of organizations use Ytria software for faster Notes development and better Domino administration

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