Ytria Workshops for Notes/Domino Admins & Devs in Germany


This November, Ytria will be holding workshops in German for administrators and developers in Frankfurt and Ehningen, Germany.

Regardless of your level of knowledge, our instructors will show you hands-on how to get the most of the Ytria EZ Suite tools to get your work done more efficiently and effectively.

Date Location Workshop
2012-11-27 Frankfurt Workshop for Notes/Domino Developers
2012-11-28 Frankfurt Workshop for Domino Administrators
2012-11-29 Ehningen Workshop for Domino Administrators

If you would like to set-up a Ytria workshop in your area, we would love to hear from you!

Simply send us a quick email with your name and telephone number where you can be reached at

Administration workshop

Learn how to:

  • Quickly get a global understanding of how your domain works, whether you need to look into database configuration, content, agents, or even ACLs.
  • Go proactive and prevent serious problems from happening like:
    • ACL security holes
    • Agent scheduling & runtime problems
    • Database design inheritance issues
    • ECL alerts due to old / incorrect signatures
    • Replication inconsistency for multiple servers
    • Ghost documents, conflicts
    • And more!

Development workshop

Learn how to:

  • Become 5 to 10 times more efficient when it comes to handling documents:
    • Quickly modify item values for subsets of documents without agents
    • Discover item values for documents without having to create special views
    • Test formulas to ensure they return the desired value – without having to go through the usual computed field testing procedure
    • Find problematic documents in a DB like inconsistent item types, orphan or conflict documents, documents approaching the 32K error, etc…
    • Export anything! preferred item values from one document, or even all items & their values to .csv
    • Extensive search options: find documents by UNID, NoteID, NoteID range, Formulas, etc…
    • Change document UNIDs
    • Delete documents without creating deletion stubs
  • Apply changes with one click instead of spending hours or days working with views and columns, deal with folders, views and columns on the mass-scale
  • Search & Replace field names, strings, anything in column formulas across all views within the application
  • Analyze all column formulas to quickly find all columns using the same field or formula, so you can apply changes with just one click
  • Import the design or any other property of an existing view and deploy it across multiple (or all) views in a database
  • Mass-modify all action bars in an application
  • Organize, change actions and action properties across all design elements with just a few mouse clicks.