Ytria’s Team Attends the ESPC Conference

Members of Ytria’s team were among over 2,000 Microsoft 365 professionals who gathered in Amsterdam for the annual ESPC conference. The European SharePoint Conference took place in Amsterdam from November 27 – 30, 2023 and is the largest Microsoft-focused conference in Europe. The conference provides content, sessions and keynote speakers for Microsoft professionals.

With a booth showcasing sapio365, the team was on the lookout for IT administrators who disliked or were not comfortable using PowerShell. Ytria also held a contest where attendees could enter to win a Bluetooth speaker. The winner was Leopold, an attendee from Austria.

The event was a great success as we had the opportunity to highlight sapio365’s many abilities and explain how IT admins could solve many of their toughest challenges quickly and easily. We thank everyone who visited our booth and look forward to next year’s show.

Eric Houvenaghel

Eric’s passion is solving problems. It’s why he founded his company Ytria – so he could solve problems people had that they didn't even realize they had. With over 2 decades of experience as a software developer, Eric honed his expertise by crafting innovative solutions tailored to the needs of IT teams in both Microsoft 365 and Notes/Domino environments.