
Introducing databaseEZ: The serverwide Lotus Notes database property manager

2 Comments10 Minutes

These are exciting times here at Ytria—we’ve recently released a new tool for Domino administrators. It’s called databaseEZ and it lets you see and…

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Back from the NSF grave: How you can (sometimes) restore deleted Lotus Notes documents

1 Comment9 Minutes

Notes/Domino data loss is never fun. It’s bad enough when you lose data because of random bad luck (say, cosmic rays decide to bombard your hard disk…

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How to compare, contrast and edit Lotus Notes document field values with scanEZ

0 Comments9 Minutes

We’re always eager to hear how customers are using our software. Oftentimes folks surprise us with novel and creative uses we never would have…

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A quick way to uncover (and fill) security holes on Domino servers using aclEZ

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One of the nicest things about aclEZ‘s grouping grid interface is that is that it allows you sort and filter live information on all the Lotus Notes…

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How to clean up a Lotus Notes out-of-office agent mess with agentEZ

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One of our customers recently used our agentEZ tool in an interesting way to deal with a big out-of-office agent problem. We realize that the Out of…

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When the dreaded “Field is too large (32K)” Lotus Notes error strikes…

8 Comments10 Minutes

There are some problems in life—and in Lotus Notes—that defy easy solutions. And one such problem is the “Field is too large (32K)” error, which…

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A fast way to change NSF Replica IDs: Often a handy time-saver (and occasionally a life-saver)

6 Comments9 Minutes

Try to picture yourself in this situation: An end-user alerts you to the fact that they just did something very bad to a Lotus Notes database—and…

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ACL inconsistencies giving you headaches? Here’s how to find and fix missing ACL entries on a Domino server using aclEZ

0 Comments5 Minutes

Domino security is something of a mosaic, built upon, among other things, the many individual entries found in all the Notes database ACLs on a…

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Are your Lotus Notes databases bloated with view indexes? Here’s a trick to help you cut file sizes

1 Comment4 Minutes

This post recounts a database optimization trick and Lotus Notes secret that was shared by Eric Houvenaghel at this year’s Lotusphere (Hat tip: it…

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Un-dead Lotus Notes Documents: How ‘ghosts’ can haunt your databases

10 Comments11 Minutes

Have you ever seen a deleted document mysteriously re-appear in a Lotus Notes database? If you answered “yes” you probably weren’t hallucinating ……

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How *often* you click Ctrl+S can affect Lotus Notes application development

3 Comments3 Minutes

Continuing in our series of Lotus Notes secrets, we’d like to share a strange little tidbit about design element replication (this is one of the…

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Building a Library of Lotus Notes Secrets

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All you Notes pros out there, does this story sound familiar? You get stuck on something so you ask yourself, ‘why isn’t this working?’; in the…

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How hiding views from the Lotus Notes client can bring a Domino server to its knees

5 Comments1 Minutes

In Domino Designer, enabling the option to hide views from the Notes client has one very unexpected impact: It’s not just hiding the views from the…

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