
Breaking behemoth IBM Notes databases into workable NSFs

4 Comments6 Minutes

Surely, some of you out there have to deal with databases that, over time, have become too large to handle comfortably. It does happen. Recently, an…

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Interpret user activity traces for a portrait of global usage

6 Comments14 Minutes

Sometimes, trying to find the answers to questions like “Who is using this application” and “Is anyone really using this?” can lead you down a long…

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Understand your Domino log file architecture and navigate the ocean of data with consoleEZ

0 Comments15 Minutes

Searching the Domino log file can sometimes feel like you’re drowning because of the sheer volume of data. It’s a tedious task we all have to do on a…

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Webcast “Replication Fundamentals Through Customer Examples – A replicationEZ Masterclass” May 14, 2014

0 Comments2 Minutes

Unfortunately, the May 14, 2014 replicationEZ masterclass webcast is over. The good news is that you can see a time-stamped outline of the…

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How to quickly analyze all IBM Notes attachments using scanEZ

2 Comments11 Minutes

Attachments come in different sizes and types, and sometimes they can be difficult to oversee. In fact, we often receive questions from customers…

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How to test and modify your formulas on the fly using a scanEZ shortcut

0 Comments6 Minutes

As an IBM Notes Domino developer, I have to spend a great deal of time writing, evaluating and correcting formulas for my Notes applications. Whether…

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Webcast on agentEZ and signEZ Best Practices – October 30th: “Effectively manage your agents, design element signatures and signer IDs”

0 Comments1 Minute

Unfortunately, the webcast on October 30th, 2013 on signEZ and agentEZ Best Practices in discovering, analyzing and resolving issues with your agents…

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How much space do your applications really take on your IBM Domino server? Get the big picture with databaseEZ

0 Comments6 Minutes

Administering an IBM Domino server involves keeping an eye on a lot of important tasks and aspects. One of these is the need to make certain that…

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How to move mountains within your folder structure using scanEZ

3 Comments7 Minutes

Moving or editing hundreds of subfolders may seem like a herculean task if you’re tackling it one subfolder at a time. Luckily, for those of us who…

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How to perform Batch Signing and other signEZ recipes that bring order to signature chaos

0 Comments15 Minutes

Following up on our previous article that focused on cleaning up your environment using the NAB Presence Checker, the newly implemented feature in…

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Painless spring cleaning of your ACLs, NAB groups, orphan mail files, agent signatures & more!

0 Comments14 Minutes

There are several topics that frequently come up during conversations with our customers because of various combinations of end-user and…

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aclEZ-tool-for-HCL Notes-Domino

How to obtain a swift and precise overview of all your ACL roles with aclEZ

1 Comment8 Minutes

During conversations with users about our server-wide ACL management solution, aclEZ, we learned that most really appreciate that the Ytria tool…

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How to quickly restore large numbers of deleted Notes documents using scanEZ

9 Comments6 Minutes

A customer recently contacted us asking for help on an issue where one of her end-users deleted a large number of emails a few weeks earlier. An…

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Introducing replicationEZ: a quick feature tour of Ytria’s multi-server replication management tool

2 Comments12 Minutes

Ytria replicationEZ, which was released back in August, represents a significant step in the evolution of the EZ Suite toolkit for Notes/Domino…

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