
Teams Tip 2: Auto-translating your conversations

6 Comments1 Minutes

You can use Microsoft Teams to translate your conversations. Keep in mind that this feature is not enabled by default, so your Microsoft Teams Global…

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Teams Tip 1: Useful rich text formatting in your conversations

0 Comments1 Minute

Rich text formatting lets you add formatting to your text like font size, bold and italics But it’s also an excellent way to make specific…

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How to report on documents ‘shared with guest’ or ‘shared with anonymous’

0 Comments4 Minutes

Office 365 with SharePoint, Teams and Onedrive is great for sharing information and documents. But this must be managed properly to maintain…

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Edit and report all site classifications in SharePoint Online

0 Comments2 Minutes

Site classifications can be used to define the sensitivity of the data within your site, and help automate the management of all sites with the same…

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SharePoint site classification made easy

0 Comments2 Minutes

When creating a modern site in Sharepoint, you can select the type of classification you want – including for Groups and Teams. Site classifications…

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Database comparison functionality: what every Domino pro should know about the Designer client part 3

3 Comments22 Minutes

This is post number 3 in a series of 4 posts exploring some of my favorite features in the Domino Designer, and the tactics that I’ve used to make…

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Search functionality: what every Domino pro should know about the Designer client part 2

0 Comments14 Minutes

This post is the second in a series of four exploring some tricks and tactics that I’ve used to make the most out of the Domino Designer client in my…

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How you can get picky with regex to isolate all Agent Manager events across multiple server logs

0 Comments6 Minutes

Our support team recently received a pretty interesting request. The user was working in consoleEZ and trying to bring up all events that the agent…

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Working sets: what every Domino pro should know about the Designer client part 1

6 Comments13 Minutes

This post is the first part in a series of four talking about some tricks and tactics that I have used to help make the most out of the Domino…

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How to replace troublesome parts of item values using scanEZ’s Diff feature and a little bit of @formula

0 Comments9 Minutes

This tooltip post is sort of adjacent to the previous one, where I ran through how to use scanEZ’s Diff function as the launchpad for modifying an…

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Manage thousands of profile documents easily with EZ Suite and three pre-made scripts

1 Comment29 Minutes

In a recent blogpost, you got a walkthrough of one of Ytria’s recent customer cases where we helped out with a massive (and successful!) renaming…

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Here’s how to modify an item value in a whole bunch of documents. (Hint: It’s not as hard as it seems.)

0 Comments13 Minutes

Anyone who has worked in purchasing knows the importance of keeping accurate invoicing records. Even without going as far as bringing the “taxman”…

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Renaming 80 rooms across 3000 mail files in one click

0 Comments16 Minutes

We recently finished a successful customer project using Ytria XML Automation capabilities and we wanted to share how it went. What’s in a name?The…

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Got hundreds of email attachments to save? Here’s how I helped one user do exactly that.

0 Comments7 Minutes

Not too long ago, I was talking with a user about a situation that got me rather worried at first. But once I thought about it for a minute, I…

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