Azure Active Directory

How to create a report of your cloud, on-prem and synced users in your hybrid Microsoft 365 environment

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Limitations of the Microsoft admin portal Managing users in a hybrid Microsoft 365 environment is basically managing 2 sets of users with 2 sets of…

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delegate tasks

Delegate tasks to super users with laser precision - Microsoft 365

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It is not uncommon these days to find IT leaders striving to lighten the load of their team members by delegating simple tasks to super users and…

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How to find empty document libraries in your groups and teams Microsoft 365

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If you’ve ever asked yourself just how many of your Microsoft 365 Team site document libraries are just sitting empty, there are several ways…

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Teams Tip 18: Control if anonymous users can join meeting

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In the Microsoft Teams Admin Center there is an option to allow or prevent anonymous users from joining Teams meetings. In this series of quick tips…

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Teams Tip 17: Disallow the forwarding of your meeting invitation

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Did you know that you can disable the ability of invitees to forward or transfer your meeting invitations to other users? In this series of quick…

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Make external users wait in a lobby before joining Teams meetings

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It’s a good practice to make attendees who are external to your organisation wait in a lobby before they can join your Teams meeting. This prevents…

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Changing your background in Teams meetings

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With the self-isolation measures being practiced due to Covid-19, many of us are now working from home. As a result, online meetings have become an…

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What’s New in Teams 2020

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As you might know, Microsoft is making a great effort of adding regular improvements to their products. Here is a list of the new features being…

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Inviting external users to your meeting in Microsoft Teams

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With Microsoft Teams, inviting external users to attend a meeting is a little different from inviting them to be a member of a team (we’ll cover this…

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remote work

Remote Work – 3 Ways to Become an IT Admin Hero

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At the best of times, IT departments are busy keeping up with the demands of department heads and employees. But now, with so many employees rushing…

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Which Departments are Mastering Working from Home? How to Find Out

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With most organizations switching their staff to remote work these days, department managers have an increased responsibility to oversee their…

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Top 3 Reasons Your Users Can’t Use Teams (and what you can do)

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With more of the workforce working from home, many employees are rushing to find tools that will allow them to become as productive as possible. For…

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Inserting a survey in your videos in Office 365

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Organizations continue to adapt their workforce, enabling their teams to collaborate remotely during this challenging time. And so team leaders need…

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Teams Tip 16: Using tags in Microsoft Teams channels

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Microsoft just introduced the use of tags in Teams. However these tags work a little differently and include some advantages over what you might be…

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