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Automation / databaseEZ Automation


Tag: LoadSpaceUsed

The self-closing tag LoadSpaceUsed emulates selecting the 'Load Current Space Used' (or Ctrl+Shift+L) option in the Edit menu of databaseEZ.


Note The LoadSpaceUsed action requires a current row selection in order to function.

Example Script

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="databaseEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5">
<Load Server="Acme01/ACME">
<Load Database="mail\jwill.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="mail\jdoe.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="archive\a_log.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="log.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="names.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="admin4.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="cldbdir.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="ddm.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="catalog.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="schema.nsf" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="certsrv" Select="True"/>
<Load Database="reports" Select="True"/>
<Select Target="grid" Lines="All"/>

In the script above, the databases specified with the nested Load child actions will be loaded into the main grid. All rows in the main grid will be selected; this will provide a current selection for the LoadSpaceUsed action to be carried out on. The Space Used percentage will be loaded for all selected lines.