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In addition to the global notes.ini information, signEZ uses its own notes.ini settings. These notes.ini entries are normally set through the interface, but can also be changed manually:

Notes.ini Entries used for setting the signEZ database

The following settings are extremely important for signEZ's functionality as they indicate current signEZ database:
YtriaSignEZDatabasePath=The file path for the currently active signEZ database. You can change the active signEZ database in signEZ main screen using the Database>Link to another signEZ database menu option.
YtriaSignEZServerName=The canonical server name for the currently active signEZ database. This notes.ini entry is required if your signEZ database is on a server. You may delete the entry if you signEZ database is local.

Other signEZ-specific Notes.ini Entries

The following are used for sundry functions, explained below:
YtriaSignEZShowUnsigned=If not set, will be set by default to 1
if set to 1, will show unsigned design elements
if set to 0, will not show unsigned design elements
YtriaSignEZSignUsing=This will keep the last Sign Using method used in memory
0 (default) = Current ID
1 = Stored ID
2 = Another ID
YtriaSignEZSignUsingID=This will keep the last 'Sign Using Another ID (code 2)' used in memory
YtriaSignEZSignUsingStored=This will keep the last 'Sign Using Stored ID' setting in memory. The value stored is the NoteID of the Stored ID.
YtriaSignEZDatabaseList1Previously used signEZ database file paths are stored here. You can see them listed under 'Recent signEZ databases' when you use the Database>Link to another signEZ database command in signEZ.
YtriaSignaturesOnLoad=1 = Load signatures when signEZ is launched (This might be slow because each design element needs to be opened in order to read the signatures)
0 = Do not load signatures
$YtriaSignEZIDPath=Most recent file path for an ID file opened with signEZ