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scanEZ / Features / Database


Database Properties

scanEZ displays general properties for the opened database which are available in the right panel when the database is selected in the Selection Tree.
Some of these properties can be edited.

ServerServer where the database is located (this will be empty if the database is local).
File PathPath where the database is located.
Title (editable)Title of the database.
Inherited from (editable)Template from which the design is inherited.
Template (editable)Name of the template (if the database is a template).
Categories (editable)Categories under which this database is listed in the Database Catalog.
Physical SizeSame information as found in the IBM Notes client's Database info tab.
DocumentsNumber of documents in the database.
Note By default the Database Physical Size is not loaded. To display this information click on the Get button.

The Database Physical Size will be calculated in MB, bytes and % used.

You must click the Save or Cancel button to commit or undo your changes.