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Automation / scanEZ Automation


Tag: Values

The Values action, along with the applicable SetParam child actions, lets you automate the 'Values' operation in scanEZ.

<Values KeepAlive="True">
<SetParam Target="SelectDocumentItems" Field="All" value="true"/>

SetParam Options

Field NameCompatible Field ValuesValue DescriptionComment
AddItemUser definableItem name to add to the Values gridNot mandatory – see detailed description
AllTrue/FalseSets the checkbox state of 'Use all items present in selected documents' optionNot mandatory – see detailed description

Detailed Description

When using the SetParam options AddItem and All, certain conditions apply:
  • AddItem is not mandatory if <SetParam Field="All" value="true"/>
  • All is not mandatory if AddItem is used to define the items to add. Omission will have the same result as <SetParam Field="All" value="false"/>.

NoteThe Values action can also be used as a self-closing action line to trigger the Values operation after making a selection in the Diff panel.
<Values KeepAlive="True"/>

Example Script

<YtriaAutomation Version="1.0" Application="scanEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5" Console="False">
<load server="ACME01/ACME" database="Mailtest.nsf"/>
<focus target="tree" category="Documents" type="Memo"/>
<Values KeepAlive="True">
<SetParam Field="AddItem" value="Form"/>
<SetParam Field="AddItem" value="From"/>
<SetParam Field="AddItem" value="DeliveredDate"/>
<ShowTypeColumns value="false"/>

In the script above, the database "Mailtest.nsf" will be loaded into scanEZ and the selection tree focus placed on the category of "Memo" type documents. The Values action will then launch a Values operation on all documents within that focused selection; the values found in the items named "Form", "From", and "DeliveredDate" will be included in the dialog grid. Type columns will not be shown, and the dialog will remain open.

A MySelection action script block can be nested within this action block to add selections to a virtual My Selection folder.