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Automation / All products Automation / Grid Actions


Tag: Move

The self-closing tag Move lets you set a column to the specified position within the target grid.

<Move ColumnID="44" Position="10"/>

Tag Attributes

AttributesAttribute ValueValue DescriptionComment
TargetApplicable Grid CodeNot mandatory – If no target is set, this will default to the main grid.
ColumnIDApplicable Column ID in the Grid Manager Mandatory
PositionApplicable Grid Position entry as shown in the Grid ManagerThis is the position to move the column to.Mandatory

Detailed Description

The self-closing tag Move functions like a drag and drop of a column header.

Example Script

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ytriaAutomation Application="aclEZ" ApplicationVersion="16.5">
<Load Server="Acme01/ACME"/>
<Select Target="Tree" Folder="Demos"/>
<Add ColumnID="DB6" Position="10"/>
<Add ColumnID="DB7" Position="11"/>
<Add ColumnID="DB8" Position="12"/>
<Select Lines="All"/>
<Move Target="SelectedACL" ColumnID="DB6" Position="1"/>
<Move Target="SelectedACL" ColumnID="DB7" Position="2"/>
<Move Target="SelectedACL" ColumnID="DB8" Position="3"/>

In the aclEZ compatible script above, the server "Acme01/ACME" will be loaded into the Databases panel, the folder "Demos" will be selected in the Tree, providing that those paths exist. The columns with ColumnID 44, 45, and 46 will be placed in position 10, 11, and 12, respectively, in the Main Grid. All lines in the Main Grid will be selected. In the 'ACLs for Selected Databases' panel, these columns will be moved to grid positions 1,2, and 3.